Frequently Asked Questions


General information

What is therapy exactly?

Many people are curious about therapy and arrive with lots of imaginings about what it is supposed to be like.

Let me de-mystify a few things. In the most simplistic form, therapy is a unique relationship where the client and therapist meet together in a quiet, confidential space. During this 50 minute weekly session you can discuss the many areas of your mental, emotional, physical, social, and spiritual life: not only the painful moments, but also the joyful, the mysterious, the unknowns. It is a collaborative relationship where you clarify together what is most valuable and meaningful to you. The therapist works in a neutral, nonjudgmental, empathetic role to look at your areas of focus.

What keeps me doing this work?

The transformative growth and undeniable resilience that I witness in my clients keeps me doing this work. I’m continually inspired by their capacity for regeneration and repair in any moment, at any age. My experience working with clients has taught me that human beings have such expansive potential for psychological growth, emotional change, and adaptability throughout one’s lifetime.

What is the value of attending therapy?

Tending to emotional health is similar to starting any new skill, it is hard in the beginning, sometimes really painful even to look inward emotionally. Then like strengthening a muscle, it takes practice and time to unpack what makes you, you. The benefits of spending time learning about yourself tend to bring more clarity and inner wisdom that you can draw from. Self-knowledge is a powerful tool that can be wielded to better understand how you relate to others and the world.

What is telehealth?

During our COVID-19 conditions, the therapeutic space has transitioned to include telehealth, which is therapy via the telephone or video only, as part of ongoing weekly therapy options. And no, while this is not exactly the same as in person, the benefits of weekly personal therapy during such heightened times of stress can provide helpful relief from the stress, grief, and life changing events you might be faced with during this time. For some people who identify as introverted, they have found telehealth therapy to be more comfortable than face to face connections. While we do not share the same physical space, under these present conditions, the connection remains strong.

How do we relate to an ever-changing world?

I recognize that we are living in a transformative time that has many of us asking deeply personal questions about how we want to live. What do you want in your life? What do you want to be different? Not only are we asking questions about ourselves but also in relationship to others and the world around us. In this very interconnected world, it can be challenging to recognize and understand your own thoughts, emotions, and inner experiences as it relates to others. Mindfulness is one of the tools widely used in the therapeutic field to helps clients develop a practice of clarity and calm, no matter what is happening externally.

How Do I Get Started?


Free 15 min consult

An informal consultation for us to briefly connect, ask questions, and for you to get a sense of my work.

Intake Forms

Complete intake forms prior to first session.

1st Session!

Confirm date and time of first session.